
"Ice Crrrream, Chocolatesssss!"--Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I just saw an Ice Cream truck drive by the front of my house!!! Who sees that anymore? That totally takes me way back! Coincidentally enough, it takes me back to Village Way, where I just recently moved to--which is fantastic, by the way, I love my house and my roomies! But that blog is for another day. Anyway, I remember ice cream trucks from way back when my family and I use to live in the twin home on Village Way. I remember always hearing the fun songs it would play. I loved playing in the streets and hearing the truck right around the corner. I would get so excited! Everyone would hurry inside and get some money so we could all buy some deliciousness to cool us off from the hot summer days...

Can I be frank? When I think about ice cream trucks now, its kiiiinda creepy, is it not?! A creeper van that drives VERY slowly around neighborhoods that have lots of little kids, luring them to the van with their cutesy, happy, merry-go-round type songs. I mean, every kid is curious.

With a van driving by playing songs and has pictures of their favorite desserts on the door, what kid wouldn't want to frolic up to that??? I'm tellin' ya, its a creepy concept.

...Kinda reminds me of a movie I grew up watching. Love the movie, but hate this part, the part that Sachi quotes so hilariously:

"What will it be today, Ice Cream? Strawberries? Chocolates?? Come along children, all free today~! Come along, kiddie-winkies!"

Oh dear...Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a creepy show.

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