
Do not be decieved by the power of the sled...

Sledding. It seems like such a simple activity, right? When I think of sledding, I picture friends and family getting together on a sunny winter day, going to a hill at a park, maybe some random dogs just frolicking around, big smiles on everyone's faces,...you know! The whole shabang!

...Yeah, that wasn't the case. When you get with the right crew it is an entirely different sport. This past Thursday, a group of us decided to go sledding up at Deer Valley. When they said sledding I thought, okay, let me just grab my coat and mittens and we'll be on our way...we get to Kevin's house and, holy cow, I was SO unprepared. This kid is intense. He got out boots, snow pants, ski jackets, hats, snow gloves, goggles--the whole enchilada! Kevin's dad even told us to gear up with helmets and such...he wasn't kidding! I had no idea we were going extreme sledding. And let me tell you. It. was. EXTREME. Pretty sure we were breaking some sort of law sledding at the resort, but hey, you only live once, right?

We got up to the top of the resort and walked out onto the slippery slopes with our sleds. Usually, the hills I go sledding on end in about 15 seconds, IF THAT!...I had no idea what I was in for. I couldn't see the end of the hill! So, of course, being the little girl that I am, I decide to wait for the other two people to go first so I could watch them, just to give me some comfort in knowing I could make it out alive. And naturally, they biff it in the first 10 seconds. GREAT!! So much for that idea.

There's no turning back now! Its Denzil's and my turn. I'm already scared outta my PANTS, and it didn't help that we didn't even have a real sled. Yep. We were on the boogie board!! So who knew if that was going to be stable or not. We hop on the board and start bookin' it from the get-go. We pass up the other two and zoom right under the bridge, barely clearing the cement wall on the side, fly past a few bushes and trees, clear a couple ski posts...From then on, its all a blur to me, we were zooming like rockets! My face was covered in snow from our feet trying, and never succeeding, to slow us down. It felt like eternity till we got to the bottom of the slopes. Finally, we came to a stop...

I have to admit, as scary as that was, I'm so glad I did it. Now I can cross "defying death" off of my life's to-do list. ;)

Unfortunately, the next part of the story gets a little scary. I would play 20 questions for you to guess what happened next to make it a little more exciting, but since this is a one sided blog, simply telling the story will have to do.

So. Round two. Same routine. We get to the top of the hill, hop on the sleds, and take off. This time, we weren't as smooth. The very last hill we went over was the steepest, but we handled it pretty well the first time, so we figured, Hey, piece of cake! Denzil and I lifted up our feet to give us more speed, but as we got closer to the end, our speed was getting to fast to control. Immediately, we threw our feet and hands down to slow us down. We got lucky and stopped right at the edge of the slope. If we had gone any further, we'd have slipped down into a gully of trees. Both of us turn around to see where Malorie and Kevin were...I saw them, and instantly, I knew this could not end good. They were going way too fast to control. Before I could even blink, they were airborne and had flown into the trees. I can't even describe how scared I was. We jumped up and saw they had both landed quite a ways away from each other. Fortunately, neither of them got knocked out, but Kevin got banged up a bit. While he was midair, he hit his head on a tree and sort of ricocheted off onto another tree hitting his leg. I was just completely shocked at what had just happened, and didn't know what to do. Mal finally got up and crawled over to Kevin and saw he was bleeding pretty bad from his eyebrow and couldn't walk on his leg. He kept saying he thought he broke his femur. Oh heavens, it was scary. We got everyone down to the car and drove to the hospital to get Kevin checked out.

Can I just say, I hate the emergency rooms. It took so long to just get him past the front desk, even with blood completely covering one side of his face (sorry, that was a bit graphic...). Unbelievable. What's more, Kevin kept saying he didn't need this but they decided to take another 5 minutes to strap him into their little stretcher guy that they'd be taking him out of in the next 5 seconds. I mean, I understand they were taking precautions, but come on. So from then on, we just sat and waited for results. Turns out he just needed stitches and his femur had a deep, deep bruise. It could have been so much worse, so we were all really thankful for that. (I just feel bad it happened right before their wedding!! Yikes.)

Moral of the story is, do not let the simple activity of sledding deceive you.


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