
Jerry brings out the giddy in me.

You know those really embarrassing moments when you do something, well, embarrassing, for lack of a better word. I had one of those moments tonight. I haven't updated my blog for quite some time, so what better way to start then by telling an embarrassing story, right?
This is also probably one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I will do my best to illustrate the event for you.

So tonight was just full of funnies and giggles. I don't remember a time I wasn't laughing my head off. I can only recall one other time in my life when I had laughed so much the entire day that I ended up with a massive headache, much like tonight. So my friend and I attended the Jazz game. It started out really fun. And then got hilarious. As time passed and as we got tired from laughing and having a good time, I think we got a bit loopy. We talked about all kinds of things, from getting CTR tattoos on our backs all the way to dropping out of med school to start a career being an officer in charge of crowd control. Random, but way funny.

On our way home right before entering the freeway, we stopped at a traffic light. I don't know why, and I'm sure many people are the same (ooooor maybe I'm just a weirdo), but when a car pulls up along the side of me, I have the natural tendency to look over to see who's going to be my traffic light neighbor for the next minute or so. So a car pulls up in the lane to the right of us, and I look over and think, 'Holy cow, I know this guy from somewhere. Maybe a TV ad? Teacher from high school? One of my friends' dad?' ...Then I realized, it was Jerry Sloan! This all went through my head in a matter of milliseconds! So being the spaz that I am, I started rapidly tapping my finger on the window, POINTING at Jerry, trying to tell Colby it was Jerry Sloan! I was so shocked that the words coming out of my mouth weren't making any sense. Just total gibberish. "...OH MY! Its! Thats! HEY! Look! Its its its its!!!" And then I noticed that...Jerry is looking straight at me while I'm still pounding my finger ever so rigidly against the window in his direction, and I probably had the most shocked/excited/flabbergasted/I've-just-seen-a-movie-star/spastic fanatic's look on my face. Then. I realized what I was doing. I'm thinking, '...oh. my. gosh...I look like the biggest idiot right now!' Oh Mari. The things I do without thinking...How pathetic. So I crouch over to Colby and try to nuzzle myself under his back/arm attempting to hide, just utterly embarrassed that Sloan caught me pointing at him like a freak. Oh my gosh, and it didn't help that the traffic light was refusing to change to green!!! I had to sit there looking like a fool so Jerry could get a better look at the dumb bum spaz next to him. I didn't have the guts to look back to see what his reaction was, but Colby later told me Jerry was just staring in awe with a confused face at what just happened...pretty sure not many can say they've experienced that. So yep. Basically Jerry and I are tight now. We have a unique friendship.

oh geez.

...But it made for some good laughter to add on to our already sore diaphrams for the drive home. Definitely a great way to end a fantastic night!!

[[*Go JAZZ*]]

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