
I KNEW I knew his voice!!

I found it!!!

I have been searching for this version of the song for the longest time. I saw this slideshow in church a few months back and have searched for the accompanied song ever since. I have googled Come Thou Fount numerous times for this specific arrangement to no avail. I even sat at my computer for a while listening to all versions of this song to find the one I was looking for (there were the weirdest arrangements of the song...seriously. Really odd ones that even sounded like Rap and the banjo put together...) Again, I was unsuccessful. I was so flustered because I totally knew I knew the voice of the singer. I just couldn't put my finger on it and it drove me absolutely nuts! Tonight, I decided to try once more. I resorted to google again, hoping it would be in my favor and put my searching to a rest. And then I saw it. In a blur of words, the name "Freddie Ashby" stuck out to me. Click... YAY!! Third time's the charm, right?

One of my all time favorite hymns, Come Thou Fount. It is such a beautiful arrangement performed by Clyde Bawden and Freddie Ashby. (One of my favorite pondering songs is also by Freddie Ashby called "I Cry"--check it out.) There is something about Freddie's voice is so soothing. He has such a unique tone. I can't describe in words what it is exactly...is it 'smooth'? 'calming' or 'peaceful'?...

At any rate, I could listen to his music anytime, anywhere. Its so uplifting! His music has so much emotion; you can tell just by his voice that he really means what he sings--it truly comes from his heart.

This arrangement accompanies a remarkable slideshow of photographs by Mark Mabry. (This slide show really was the perfect thing for me--I have such an appreciation for both the music and the fantastic photography--I have much to learn from both!) His "Reflections of Christ" images really illustrate the life of Christ so perfectly. I absolutely love this slideshow. Its only about 6 minutes, so I hope you take a moment to watch and listen...

I hope it touches your heart as it has mine. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Mari. You should do something like this with your sisters. You do the photography, and sing with the girls.

    Thanks for pointing to this video.
