
Girls vs. Boys

So we had a fun date night with Dave and Ash. We went to Pizza Factory to watch Dave play--speaking of, if I may, I'd like to advertise for a second...EVERYONE COME TO PIZZA FACTORY ON FRIDAY NIGHTS TO HEAR THE AMAZING DAVE CROSBY! His music is seriously cool. Seriously.
 He's so good, this brave girl went up to get his number, and then they got married!
 On to the next activity, we decided to get our sugar craving in with some delicious cupcakes! Here's where the girls vs boys comes to play...Me and Ash start baking...
 ...and the boys went straight for the iPads to play games.


  1. yeah for you blogging again!!! keep blogging please!
    and those cupcakes look so devine, especially the chocolate frosting yumyum

  2. Love the pics little miss photographer!
